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Winnie Stott

2020 King Honouree

Winnie Stott, and her husband, Bill, bought Winsong Farm in 2000, and never imagined what would transpire through their love of horses and people. They’ve been featured in a number of articles including industry magazine, Horse Canada, and when people visit the horses at Winsong they’re in awe. Their arena is complete with a teeter-totter, tall pedestal, low pedestals, a bridge, horse bean bag, big horse ball, rotating top pedestals, hula hoops, jump ropes, and a gate. Everywhere you look there’s a possibility for fun. Horses who’ve never played like this before walk into the arena and transform from just trying to survive into inquisitive, joyful animals.

It's a true delight for Winnie to hear an equestrian say, "Your horses are so happy," or when someone, who knows very little about horses, comments, "I never knew they were so smart!" It’s been such a fulfilling journey for her.

Winnie shares of an inspiring turn of events for a special five-year-old thoroughbred when he came to her at Winsong. As a youngster, he'd won four races, yet had become unpredictable and dangerous to the point it was recommended he be destroyed. At first, he was afraid of everything and everyone. Winnie played with him daily. She knew that being in the arena with him running free took calmness and courage. She slowly introduced him to their games, and one particular experience stands out. Usually a horse steps up on one of the low pedestals within minutes after watching Winnie step up on it. Not this horse. It took three weeks before he'd place a hoof on a pedestal and another month for him to stand happily on it. He had no idea how to move his body. Nowadays, this horse is their best painter, and he pushes the big ball, rolls out the carpet, picks up toys, and happily follows as you walk around.

For Winnie, the extraordinary and unexpected reward in her giving is finding out the incredible abilities of her horses and how very willing they are to give back to you. It’s a beautiful bond.

Once or twice a year, Winsong Farms hosts their popular fundraisers supporting groups such as the Newmarket Humane Society, Ann and Pete’s Foster Home for Dogs, Longrun Thoroughbred Retirement Society, Toronto Cat Rescue, Art Society of King, and Therapeutic Riding.

Giving back comes naturally for Winnie, inspired by her parents who grew up in the depression years. She says in those days if you didn’t work together and help each other, you couldn’t survive. Having animals in her life has kept her close to nature. She relishes in the limitless beauty she sees in every day, so much so that it’s impossible not to share it.


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