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Michael Croxon

2019 Newmarket Honouree

President and CEO of The NewRoads Automotive Group, Michael Croxon “is a people person; he recognizes good people and he promotes good people,” conveys his father, Noel Croxon, whose values and successes in the retail automotive world contributed greatly to Michael’s journey.

At all seven NewRoads locations, they live and work by four pillars of success, and one of those pillars is community. When their operations moved from Toronto to Newmarket in 2011, they expanded on this to include participating in community events as well as giving back to the community that supports them.

Michael understands that business is about earning a living, providing employment opportunities, and serving customers, however, he feels that if you can do that and give back at the same time, it enhances the culture of the business. And for those organizations and individuals who are truly committed to helping others, there is also the incredible feeling that you are doing something good.

Michael reflects on a couple of very fond memories out of many. One was being recognized alongside his father, Noel, by the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of York at their annual charity dinner. He shares that his father did so much for this organization in Toronto that when their business migrated to Newmarket, it just felt natural to continue their association in York Region. He found it tremendously rewarding to stand beside his then eighty-nine-year-old dad and be acknowledged for their vital support.

More recently, Michael was invited to the temporary facility of Community Living in Newmarket. Upon arrival, he was greeted and ushered into the common area where the daily game of bingo was about to start. One of the constituents there spoke to thank him for his continued contribution to that organization, then presented Michael with a beautiful handcrafted painting of a car. He was so touched; the picture now hangs in his office.

The ongoing recognition of his efforts, and that of his NewRoads family, has been unexpected and he emphasizes it’s not what motivates them to do what they do. At the same time, having customers come to one of their showrooms and give a shout-out to any one of their community initiatives remains pleasantly surprising and is very much appreciated.

Opportunities to give back are endless. Michael encourages employers to take up a cause close to their hearts and involve their teams; he knows from personal experience they will be in awe of what they receive in return.

In the future, Michael looks forward to deepening his involvement with the three major community services they support through their Charity Classic Car Show, NewRoads Ride to the Lake, and Girls Night Out events.


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